
Welcome to Criminal Justice Know How – a positive, factual, and transformative space where you can learn about working in the criminal justice field!  Our readers fall into three categories:  

  • those who currently work in the criminal justice field and who want free resources for making their jobs easier; 
  • those who want to work in the criminal justice field and who want to increase their likelihood of landing their dream job; and
  • those who have little to no interest working in the criminal justice field but have a curiosity for how the system works.

Regardless of which category you consider yourself, our mission is to help you develop an understanding of the criminal justice system through positive, factual, and transformative trainings, tools, and resources.  Our content is designed by current and former criminal justice practitioners who want to help you and others navigate professions and specialized positions that are historically “learn as you go.” Here, Kelly Glenn, our Chief Content Creator, and Todd Rodes, Chief Law Enforcement Advisor, provide you with the answers to questions you’ve always had!  

For more information about Kelly and Todd, you can click on each of our names to read about our professional and personal stories. While we hope you get to know us and what we’re passionate about, what we are really interested in is getting to know YOU!  We want to know why you’re here, what your goals are, and most importantly – what we can do to help you. Make sure you comment on our posts, ask the questions you want answered, and let us know the resources you need developed to foster your understanding of or success with working in the criminal justice field.

Thanks for being here!

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